May (the CLAW be with You) 2016

May Started off with a bang!  Or maybe a crunchy, squishy sound would be more appropriate as we began the first day of the month creating our annual steamroller print for the Wayzgoose Hand Press Festival hosted by King’s Books on St. Helens in downtown Tacoma!  As part of the yearly 2-day street party honoring and demonstrating the skills and wares of many local small press artists, like our friends at Beautiful Angle, for example, the CLAW is one of the teams selected to produce a giant-sized (4′ x4′) print created by inking the large square of linoleum into which our design was intricately carved reversed out and backwards, and then placing it in the parking lot next to the building where a piece of dampened paper is laid over it and cushions are added over the top and it is then SQUASHED by a massively heavy steamroller!  It’s always an amazing spectacle to witness and the various designs this year followed a theme of literary classics and creators!  The CLAW’s design honored Tacoma-born author Frank Herbert, the science fiction master behind the DUNE series!  I was especially excited about this year’s print because my design was chosen for the event!  (It should be noted, of course, that the actual carving was done by several diligent members of CLAW!  Mark Monlux, our VP James Stowe, Anique Zimmer, R.R. Anderson–and his son Max–and myself, Mark Brill, were the main CLAW Talons responsible for transferring the art to the large linoleum block!)  Jennevieve Schlemmer and Larry Erhardt were on hand to help the a fore mentioned members with the inking and printing!
Everything came off without a hitch–even my silly idea for a special effect to add a second color to the piece to give Mr. Herbert the blue eyes of his Spice addicted characters in his most famous work!  Our print was very favorably received and everyone had a blast creating it!  And our thanks to Destiny City Comics, right next to King’s and part of the festivities for finding a place for the CLAW table, where we handed out zines and showed the kids how to make mini-comics of their own!
working the roller
Not too much other news, except that out usual 4th Wednesday Open Swim event, which we are now referring to as the “CLAW Community Art Project” is happening on the 25th of the month at King’s Books and everyone is invited to come down at 7:30 and draw and hang out with the wacky folks of The Cartoonist League of Absurd Washingtonians!
One last item–Crypticon, an amazing horror convention will be held over the last weekend of May, from the 27th to the 29th at the Hilton Convention Center in SeaTac and 2 of the CLAW’s Talons will be on hand to keep the Creepy CLAW flag flying!  Travis Bundy will be there with his partners promoting his Creator’s Edge horror titles!  And Mark Brill will be there in his Brillustrator guise creating monstrous caricatures!  (Hopefully meaning caricatures of people as monsters, and not just really horrible drawings!)  See you in June!!  **Watch for the June notice of “Captain Picard Day!” **

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August Open Swim Info



The next Open Swim Wednesday, August 28th at King’s Books from 7:30 – 9:30pm.
This is a FREE EVENT. The public at large is invited to attend and draw.
Share this event with your friends via our Facebook Event.

The Theme: Draw a member of the CLAW as your favorite zombie hunter, using a local backdrop chosen from a list of locations- The locations will be posted and known prior to the contest, but the order of choice will be by number drawn. Not so bad- unless you’re last. Then you might end up with the LOBSTER SHOP as your location. And another randomizing factor? The weapon your zombie hunter will use will be DRAWN FROM A HAT. That’s right. Will your hunter draw a shotgun? An axe? Or, maybe- ….a HERRING? No one will know until the fateful evening of the 28th. Oh, prizes? Yes- there are PRIZES!

First prize- two weekend passes to QZ-CON 2013!
Second prize- one Saturday-only pass to QZ-CON
Third prize– an official ZOMBIE HUNTER challenge coin!
Fourth prize- well, there isn’t a fourth prize- unless we have more than ten participants. (then there will be a fourth prize worthy of the title.)
All entries receive a FREE entry into the QZ-CON art show!

Locations (may be interior or exterior, if applicable -name of location used must be written on the drawing) :
1. Old City Hall
2. Union Station3. Frost Park Chalk-Off
4. Dorky’s
5. The Tacoma Totem Pole
6. The Le May Museum
7. The Java Jive
8. The Elks Club Wal-Mart
9. The BNSF rail yard
10. The LINK
11. AMOCAT Cafe
12. The Theatre District
13. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge
14. The Tacoma Narrows Airport
15. The Tacoma Dome
16. Fergie’s on the Ave
17. Sixth Ave
Oh, and: 18. FREE SPACE (your choice of anything not listed)

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February CLAW Update

This is Adam 11, here to bring you the February CLAW update!

On the 27th, the next Open Swim will be Live Comic Strips.  We will have members of the Super Sirens do different poses from which the artist must construct a page.

Look for The CLAW at the ECCC this coming March 1-3rd 2013 at Artist Alley table F-10, situated right next to The Comic Critic at F-11. The CLAW will be debuting it’s new Flying Monkey t-shirt along with it’s new retractable banner designed by Mark Brill

Be sure to watch for updates. Spring also brings the start of the CLAW’s hunt for worthy PNW art students to compete for the CLAW scholarship. This year the fourth annual winner will be presented with fame and notoriety, and some spending cash! Interested applicants should check out

Be sure to subscribe to for important CLAW Updates, hard hitting cartoon news, and robot overlord updates!

Win, Lose or Claw

Claw Open Swim at King’s Books


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