Robot Month of POWER

March 29th, 2010 by Laurence

"Robot Month of POWER"

The frequently high… and sometimes mighty Council of Four Eyes has declared 2010 to be the Intergalactic Year of the Robot. Even though we know there are no coincidences in the Universe, as it happens the standard time measuring unit in this quadrant of the Virgo Supercluster is only 13 seconds longer than an Earth-Year. Thus, we can easily be joined by our extraterrestrial and robotic kin in celebration of the Year of the Robot.
As such, the Talons of the CLAW have been working feverishly in our secret underground studios beneath the old jail cells of Old City Hall. We’re producing a Robot Zodiac in celebration! The Month of POWER is Thorax O’Tool’s contribution to the zodiac.

For maximum viewing pleasure, please turn on your Tesla Coils to maximum power and then dim the lights.

1 Comment

  1. MarkMonlux said,

    March 29, 2010 @ 8:11 am

    Very nice, Dude! One of your finest.