Open Swim! September 22nd
Can you draw? Prove it!
Some Muppet Rocking! Thanks to Muppet’s Studio!!
Art students and professionals alike are invites to an open draw with local cartoonist group The C.L.A.W.
This influential (and sometimes infamous) group of artists offers a wide range of skilled and talented artists all looking for a chance to get to know more artists. The goal is to learn and share within the art community. All artists welcomed…cartoonists, illustrators, comic artists, political cartoonists, and inventors encouraged!
Special tip for students: This is a great chance to network with a group that offers a student scholarship. Free money?! What! Be there!
Where: Amocat Cafe (Downtown Tacoma)
625 St. Helens Ave, Tacoma, WA
When: Wednesday, September 22nd @ 7:30 pm
Cost: FREE!!! (coffee/drink purchase advised…as they are delicious and fuel your brain)
What to bring: sketch books, art ideas, chaotic brainstorms, laptops, and drawing supplies
What to Expect: Hijinks, great drawing, ridiculousness, and general amusement.