July, the Official Month of CLAW
Due to some glitch in the Matrix mixed with a promotional mutation, the Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians have officially been made rulers/owners of July 2009.
How is this possible might you ask?
Thanks to bitchin’ new technology developed by the genius minds at Minutaur.com, time is now ripe for the taking. Take a look at the homepage of Minutaur to see our greatness. More about Minutaur here.
Our resulting message to all of humanity:
Thank you for choosing to exist in the month of July. Know that your life is within CLAW’s jurisdiction. At any point we have the right to pummel you with the greatest cartoons ever, forged from the fires of Mt. Doom. Fear us, read us, draw with us!
Mark Monlux said,
July 5, 2009 @ 9:53 am
Who? What? Huh? Really! Wow!