CLAW vs. Wayzgoose 2010

April 25th, 2010 by RR Anderson

CLAW at Wayzgoose

The CLAW attached itself to the fleshy underbelly of the old Tacoma war horse named Waysgoose–a celebration of crusty letter press professionals and hobbyists.  Mark Monlux was on hand to sell heaps of his latest book “The Comic Critic” which is a collection of his most favorite erotic foreign films.   Mark Brill (Mark 9) was also on hand selling his illustrated Magic Cards. Butt-loads of people also picked up back issues of the CLAW newsletter: CLAW-Tu Morraddiaa Neepitu.  RR Anderson also made an appearance selling spirit-gum capture portraits, but mostly ate $1 ice cream.

Beautiful Angle was there also Anagram Press… but the vast majority or bulk of the travellers where there to see CLAW.  You could just see the disappointment and intense jealousy in the faces of our table/booth floor show competitors.

“Mommy look FEZ!” or “Wow they have FEZ!” is pretty much what everyone was saying the whole time. Right before they fell over in disbelief of our amazing illustration skills.

Thanks to everyone who came down to Kings Books in Tacoma!

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