An Open Swim Teaser
Come to the CLAW Open Swim meeting. See art. Meet artists. Watch people wear fezzes. Prepare for the coming zombie apocalypse.
May 27th, 2009 by Stowe
Come to the CLAW Open Swim meeting. See art. Meet artists. Watch people wear fezzes. Prepare for the coming zombie apocalypse.
♥ Filed under Uncategorized
The C.L.A.W. is a clandestine network of professional Northwest cartoonists founded and ultimately concentrated in the south Puget Sound region. Our mission is to gather talented Washington State cartoonists of great skill and humongous egos in frequently secluded gatherings during which the secrets and mystic arts of their sublime craft are practiced. Behind closed doors and away from prying eyes, the most pointless and silly of rituals will be freely indulged. And we give a scholarship to an art student every year!
CLAW is a clandestine network of professional Northwest cartoonists founded and ultimately concentrated in the south Puget Sound region. But who are we really?
SING O GODDESS, the alluring endeavor(s) our cartoonists endow upon the world.
Participate in mysterious CLAW projects! Rally with like-minded cartoonists and illustrators at secret meetings, discuss trade secrets to improve your drawing skills! Apply Now
Copyright © 2008-2016 The C.L.A.W.. All Rights Reserved.
May 27, 2009 @ 2:34 pm
Would that I could, but it’s a mad scramble to prep for opening night of Buddy on Friday. Maybe next month.
May 27, 2009 @ 2:46 pm
CLAW Rules!
May 27, 2009 @ 3:48 pm
The plural of Fez is Fez.
May 27, 2009 @ 4:28 pm
Is there a capacity limit to these meetings? *looks around innocently*
May 28, 2009 @ 8:01 am
You speak mistruths, sir. Fezzes is the accurate plural form of fez (fezes is also permissible).
June 2, 2009 @ 1:36 am
Come on now, Fez up!! Are you going to need to expand space for meetings? If so, contact me–I am curator of the Pythian Fez–the FIRST Fez in town. Let’s talk about CLAW meeting occasionally at our space in 924 Broadway. Or even regularly. At least call me and let’s discuss what we are doing with that space. Ya never know–word is out that our friend Alan Moore may visit in some form to discuss cartooning–or at least attuning to the current Mindscape!
Cheerfully, Roger Kuhrt (253) 222-1058
Pythian Trustee & an Absurd Washingtonian (b. Seattle)
June 16, 2009 @ 9:17 pm
I stand humbly corrected.