Secret Meeting Notes July 2010

Secret Meeting July

Meeting is called to order. SECRET CLAW OPENING RITUAL: What are Robots? Robots are Cool. Zombies Must Die! Shoot ’em in the head. [One CLAP] Ceci nes pas une pipe. [Rotate Self 3 Times]

Old Business

  1. CLAW vs. the World Bowling Challenge . . . ?
  2. Non Profit Status? Mark Monlux is much to busy to do the paperwork.

New Business

  1. Adopt Amocat as new Open Swim meeting space – RR tasked with talking our way in there.
  2. CLAW online store – So far only RR has posted anything
  3. STAN SHAW REPORT – motion to taunt professional Tacoma cartoonist Stan Shaw PASSED.
  4. Beautiful Angle Local Currency project – limbo. Motion to pester Lance exponentially in September PASSED.
  5. Tacoma Art Museum – members committed to July 31st CLAW team-up with Frost Park Community Chalk Militia to bring chalk art to dead concrete of TAM. Passed.
  6. Comics Page – Members discussed picking a day to post their comic strip. New members are still thinking of new strip ideas.
  7. Agreed to appear on PODCAST: Northwest Convergence Zone – Sunday July 25th at about 5PM?
  8. JUNIOR CLAW CADET NO. 12 to be voted in soon! Check out Shawn Clayton

Show and Tell

  • Mark Brill has a new gay-furrydom time travel comic out. UNBELIEVABLE + ASTONISHING!
  • Stowe gave a preview of his latest SCATS web comic
  • VEX zine is interested in a CLAW collaboration… RR brought in his VEX zine collection.  CLAW’S MESSAGE TO VEX: Show us the money! Minimum donation to CLAW Scholarship fund is $150.

Mark Monlux Side The Jinxmedic Side

SECRET CLAW CLOSING RITUAL: What are Robots? Robots are cool. Zombies must die! Shoot ’em in the head! [1 CLAP] Beware the flying monkeys.

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