CLAW Secret Meeting Notes (March)

Here is a brief summary of the minutes for our secret meeting 8:30 PM, March 10, 2009 @ Madoline Cafe.

Master Cartoonist Stan Shaw Draws Councilman Mark Monlux with Giant Novelty Pencil

Master Cartoonist Stan Shaw Draws Councilman Mark Monlux with Giant Novelty Pencil


  1. RR Anderson (member #2) [proxy for Elliot Trotter (member #1)]
  2. Mark Monlux (member #3) [proxy for James Stowe (member #4)]
  3. Stan Shaw (member in training)

Consent Agenda:

  • Monlux report on non-profit status
  • Monlux report on scholarship status
    MOTION: Extend the deadline for Scholarship of April 15 2009. Monlux to post on blog,  Anderson to post flyer downtown. Monlux send out Tacomaarts-listserve and Anderson to volcano. Monlux to sending out email to his few school contacts.(Monlux/Anderson) PASSED
  • Monlux report on 24 hour comic
  • Monlux report on treasury
  • Monlux report on Trotter’s interview filming
  • Anderson report on Wayzgoose status
    MOTION: That Anderson go to Kings Books choose a poster for Woolworth display and for raffle. Anderson also to select good and bad copy of poster. One for archives on lucky member’s wall and one for members to doodle on for future project. (Monlux/Anderson) PASSED
  • Anderson report on Art Museum request
    MOTION: That the CLAW fulfill the request of the Tacoma Art Museum to show chalking expertise on Sunday April 19. (Coinciding with How Things Work Presentation) This event to be announced to participants as the kick off to the 2009 Chalk Challenge season. Anderson to request monetary compensation for the the scholarship fund and/or coffers. Prize for Chalk contest already arranged. (Anderson/Monlux) PASSED
  • Looking over Shaw’s cool comics
  • Rest of meeting speaking in tongues and auto-mystic drawing
    MOTION: To have next meeting as Open Swim at Mandolin Cafe at 7:30 Wednesday, March 25th 2009 (Mark/Elliott) PASSED

Current Action Items

Each action item should specify the task, the person responsible, and the due date.


  • to do tape video interviews of member, One down.


  • to do more interview for CLAW. Requests other seek and do interviews as well.
  • to confirm event with Tacoma Art Museum
  • to follow through on selecting posters for Wayzgoose presentation at Woolworth


  • to start form filing of non-profit status


  • tba


  • to photograph office and post via Flickr.


  • self portrait that’s 400×600 pixels (by 3/25/2008)
  • banner art for website

Completed Action Items

  • First Newsletter Comic
  • Wayzgooze Poster

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