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Sept 2012 Open Swim: Drawbridge!

This Wednesday, September 26th @ At King’s Books at 1930

Join CLAW for the epic challenge of Drawbridge! Test your mettle and see who can draw the most awesome bridge.

Many non-bridge-related prizes await the winner!

Open Swim, 9-2012

Doesn’t have to actually BE a drawbridge

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February 2011 Open Swim: Tacoma Mythology

THUNDERBOLTS rattle across the land… welling up from the deep, primordial ooze on the floor of Commencement Bay rises for the Hand of Carr, the Founder of all that is the 253. Sweat from His Mighty Glistening Brow filled the low lands of the County, thus giving rise to Wapato, Tapps and Gravelly. His muscle raised the earth above the sea, giving Point Defiance her perch.

Mythology is a wonderful thing. Stories as old as our wondering are. It’s easy to imagine yourself sitting around the fire beneath a black sky impregnated with stars, listening to these stories of love, triumph, creation and destruction.

This month at CLAW’s Open Swim, we invite you to come down to Amocat Cafe with us and draw. Gey your pencils, paper and imagination revved up as we delve into the mythological origins of Tacoma, it’s people or anything within the 253. There will be prizes for the Tacoma-related mythological drawing that is the most awe-inspiring. Drinks and snacks will be provided by Amocat, be sure to drink a gallon or two of coffee.

When: Wednesday February 23rd 2011, 7:30 PM

Where: Amocat Cafe in downtown Tacoma

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100th Monkey Tile #46 Sneak Peek!

Tile #46 by Thorax O'Tool

Ladies and Gentlemen! As you may well know, CLAW is hosting this June’s 100th Monkey on June 23rd. As such, Talons of the CLAW were tasked with creating the tiles. I was assigned tiles #40-50 and #98. My tiles contain everything from a cameo by a famous cartoon character to ancient deities to motorcycles and female nudity.

To whet your appetite for what’s in store at 100th Monkey, CLAW is offering sneak previews of our hand drawn tiles. All of my tiles are drawn with 100% REAL India ink and a nifty red paintbrush from Tacoma Art Supply. How can you get more local than that?

Tile #46 above is your taste of what the warped mind of Thorax O’Tool can conceive… and yes, that hard-rockin’ monkey is a southpaw.

Want to see the rest of my tiles? Come to the show on the 23rd and buy a tile or seven!

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