Archive for April, 2011

C.L.A.W. Hero??
















At the last 24 Hour-Comic day, i began a project with my friend and writing partner Zan Christensen.  It was a comic about bullying and one boy’s efforts to overcome it and although we didn’t finish it at the event, we did continue to work on it actually did a limited print-run to debut at this year’s Emerald City ComiCon.  Now we are trying to raise funds through to do a large, color print-run that will hopefully be published in time for San Diego ComiCon, through Northwest (Zan’s publishing concern.)

Well, now Zan and I have been named “Heroes of the Week” on Michael Hulshof-Schmidt’s “The Sollipsistic Me” blog site.  He writes about the comic and what it’s trying to accomplish in raising awareness about the issue of teen suicide because of bullying.  You can read more about it by following this link:

“Hero” is a bit of a strong word, but I certainly appreciate the recognition!

Donations can be made to the site here:  (Please copy and paste into browser.)

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I, STOWE, won the Open Swim tonight with these two entries. Good to see everyone on this rainy Wednesday. Great entries from everyone too.

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Scholarship Winner 2011

Kayla Nicole Cline, Cartoonist of the Future!

2011 CLAW Scholarship winner Kayla Cline

Every year The CLAW selects one lucky “at risk youth” (at risk of being seriously awesome) and awards them the YOUNG CARTOONIST OF THE FUTURE Scholarship consisting of a over-sized novelty check for photographic purposes and a large sum of money. This year The CLAW was able to AWARD $908.24 dollars to Ms. Kayla Nicole Cline, an art student at Memphis College of Art in Memphis, Tennessee.

2011 CLAW Scholarship winner Kayla Cline

While Kayla tries to hide behind her novelty check, we want you to see some of her amazing work at illustration art on her webcomic Slag Valley

Learn more about the CLAW scholarship and see past winners here.

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