No. 003 Mark Monlux

Mark Monlux, CLAW Founder #3
Mark Monlux
(One of the Four Founders of CLAW)
Portfolio: Monlux Illustration
Blog: PoobahSchpiel
Webcomics: The Comic Critic, The Return of Stickman
An award-winning illustrator extraordinaire, Mark Monlux has spent the last 30 years doodling for advertising agencies, publishers, small businesses, and international corporations. A few random names from his clientele are Microsoft, Kimberly-Clark, H&R Block, Reynolds and Reynolds, Alaska Airlines, Johnson and Johnson, Toronto Dominion, Carnation, the Museum of Flight, and Weyerhaeuser. See a ton of his work in his online portfolio at
Mark, a native of the Pacific Northwest, can distinguish between various species of salmon, is experienced at a variety of ways of fishing for them, and can tell you the best way to prep and serve them—all delicious, by the way! A strong advocate of artists’ rights, his knowledge on copyright protection, licensing, contracts, and advertising law is mind-boggling.
A lifetime of participation in social groups of the non-internet nature has led to his desire to share a deep and prolonged gratification, one that only comes from enriching the lives of others through knowing that our robotic overlords are on the way. (Or by showing how cartooning is a serious profession capable of enslaving the minds and wills of the populace through pop culture.)
One of his greatest joys in life is enjoying movies; his knowledge and ability to yammer endlessly on the subject is something to be feared, yet not avoided. See some of those sage perspectives on stories shown on silver screens when you check out his cartoon movie reviews at The Comic Critic .
Mark believes that the joy of cartooning can be enjoyed at any stage in life. He believes that if you can draw a stick man (and everyone can), you can draw a cartoon. Revisit the simple joy of drawing you experienced as a child! With that thought in mind, he created another comic strip, titled The Return of Stickman. .
If you would like to enjoy both webcomics and new creations, check out Mark’s blog, PooBahSchpeal.
A few examples:
Listen to him blather nostalgically about his various influences in the video below.
Another video to watch is My History of Social Media Networking.
His online tutorials:
How the Establish Basic Estimate Guidelines
Contract Negotiation
His Ask Mark advice videos: