HOT August CLAW updates

The CLAW Artists Guild presents THE MONTH OF AUGUST with all your favorite August News updates! Starting with our new creation “CLAW FEST” a mini comic book convention craft festival with booths and artist alley tables and local artists selling their cool merchandise or “Merch.” Check this site and our facebook page for a slow trickle of news and updates about this free and fun event in Tacoma at the Feast Art Center (1402 South 11th St.)!
Monster Painting Thrift Shop Art show update!
All your old favorites and some select new thrift shop paintings with monsters skillfully inserted into the landscape are up and hanging right now in the Red Elm Cafe in Tacoma’s Chilltop/Hilltop neighborhood. You should go, grab a waffle dog and enjoy the show all August!
August Open Swim
August CLAW art game happening at Kings Books on the 4th Wednesday of every month and open to the public! What will we be doing for August? Good Question! Let me see if I have anything written in my notes… Fabric Painting maybe? Let’s find out for sure together!Â
NEW Member Colin Andersen!
Local Tacoma cartoonist/illustrator/writer Colin Andersen has joined the CLAW Artist Guild! Best known for Zines about TEA and his writing work on the Adventure Time graphic novels! Truly an amazing talent! http//Â | Center for The Lost And Found
A Cartoonists Response to Tacoma’s Nazi Problem…

You might have read in the Tacoma News Tribune about Tacoma’s nazi tattoo shop and patriot front neo-nazi poster attack on Downtown businesses including the Rainbow Oasis Center, Well underground political cartoonist, RR Anderson, author of The Tacomic has crafted a campaign style button out of his sold-out “Punch-a-Nazi” block carving print. On Sale soon at Tinkertopia!
ART news around the sound..
City Arts Magazine did a pretty deep dive into the Tacoma art scene and worth a read. The Spirit and Substance of a changing Tacoma.
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