Secret Meeting Notes April 2009

April 8th, 2009 by RR Anderson

Secret CLAW meeting



OLD BUSINESS – (status of non-profit status)

MEMBERSHIP DUES CHANGE+DEBATE – We have passed a motion to amend the MEMBERSHIP DUES in consideration of hard economic times down to $70 U.S. dollars. The $70 dollar fee WILL INCLUDE costs of new member’s FEZ that will be awarded during MYSTIC INITIATION CEREMONY.

NEWSLETTER (ZINE) – We have passed a motion to produce our one page minicomic zine herein known as: CLAW-TU VERATA NIKTO!â„¢ as a BI-MONTHLY PUBLICATION.  Councilmen Monlux has been awarded the next ZINE CZAR who will oversee content unification, moral standards and be vigilant against continuity errors. Community feedback on the zine has been tremendous–tremendously positive.

SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS STATUS – Reviewed artwork of all students who have applied thus so far. Discussed merits of submitted application essays and their devotion to the craft of illustration/cartooning (Some impressive stuff let me tell you).  REMINDER deadline for submissions is APRIL 15th!

CHALK AT ART MUSEUM STATUS – CLAW members invite FROST PARK COMMUNITY CHALKERS to join us at the TACOMA ART MUSEUM for the David M’s Big Draw.  APRIL 19th!

CITY ARTS MAY ISSUE STATUS – Possibility of cover illustration to accompany 700 word feature article on THE CLAW. Members agreed on a cover design mock up. CLAW TOTEM Illustration Tasks assigned. CITY ARTS agreed to make a donation to our scholarship. 

RR’S REPORT ON WAYZGOOSE – dismissed accusations that letterpress community conspired against the cartoonist community in reference to the backwards lettering on our CLAW crossbones poster currently on display at WOOLWORTHS in Downtown Tacoma.  Hurtful rumors are unfounded! Rest assured THE CLAW will be invited next year to participate in the wayzgoose event however mindful of the need to first reverse any text on the printing block.


  1. Urban iditarod – local businesses sponsor teams of costumed heroes to push shopping cart across Downtown Tacoma, or Ruston waterfront.
  2. Russian roulette – people pay to watch others handle deadly weapons, only instead of weapons you use dice and red headbands with money at stake…  ?
  3. Cartoonist Tacoma Laureate – convince city to designate a month to the Cartoonist Tacoma Laureate. Would be included at CLAW open swims? Frost Park Chalk Challenges? Library Symposiums? Kings Books Events? Basically play off the Poet Laureate business model.

That is All.  Join THE CLAW at our next public OPEN SWIM MEETING, APRIL 22nd!


  1. RR Anderson said,

    April 8, 2009 @ 11:19 pm


    – Electric Elliot lent a copy of the original THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL so he can better appreciate the title of our humble mini comic publication.

    – Lance Kagey tapped as a possible (un)willing new member of the CLAW. David Boe, Andrea other possibilities too.

    – Proclamations with the city of Tacoma info to be found here:

  2. Adam the Alien said,

    April 9, 2009 @ 5:42 am

    GASP! Goodness me! Electric Elliot hadn’t seen the original The Day The Earth Stood Still? How on Earth did he live so long without it?

    Mmmm…classic sci-fi…um…excuse me, the movie and I need some alone time.

    *hangs “Do not disturb” sign*

    *shuts door*


    *muffled noises escape the room*

  3. Chandler said,

    April 9, 2009 @ 8:13 am

    I think you should start an underground movement to letterpress print all text backwards. Mirror printing! Send secret, hand-printed messages to your friends! (Order now and receive a FREE decoder ring.)

    You could take the letterpress world by storm.

  4. Jeff Hawley said,

    April 9, 2009 @ 9:36 am

    So, what IS the status of the non-profit status?

  5. RR Anderson said,

    April 9, 2009 @ 3:47 pm

    status of non-profit: we cant endorse political candidates and we are gun shy blowing the bulk of our dues on application fees; nevertheless we shall persevere! also, Adam…. dude that’s creepy. ;P