Lance Kagey: Friend of CLAW Invite

December 24th, 2010 by RR Anderson

Tacoma Action Figure: L.A.N.C.E. (aka Lance Kagey)

Lance Kagey has been awarded FRIEND OF CLAW status by unanimous vote during a secret members-only meeting of the Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians (the C.L.A.W.) I was picked or volunteered to craft his invitation/notice so this is how I chose to honor that commitment. It is no small secret that I am intensely jealous of other artists who are picked to work with Beautiful Angle on a wheat paste poster project… but that is a story for another time. What is important now is that we honor this work-a-day letter press savant by disparaging his main competition, namelyChandler OCD’leery and Jessica Spring Tide.   Today the Tacomic honors savage manliness; just look at these guys. They’re all stubble, ruddy and pot bellied… that’s REAL AMERICA folks.

Congratulations LANCE KAGEY: Friend of the CLAW!

You’re invited to..

7PM, Monday January 3rd.


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