Favorite Web Comics: Member Sound Off
We asked C.L.A.W. members to share their most beloved web comics, internet comic strips they visit on a regular basis. We collected the results in the list below sorted by member name. Each of the following web comics are now officially endorsed by the benevolent order of C.L.A.W. Did we miss any good ones? Add your favorites in the comment thread below.
Electric Elliot
RR Anderson
- Dr. McNinja
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
- The Pain: When Will it End?
- Red Planet
- David Horsey
- MS Paint Adventures, (was really into Problem Sleuth – like obsessed)
- The Comic Critic
- Log Jam
- Bob the Dog
- Return of Stickman
- Space Moose
Mark Monlux
- http://www.unshelved.com
- http://www.littledee.net
- http://www.overcompensating.com
- http://thehorrorsofitall.blogspot.com
- http://www.jump-leads.com
- http://www.theaterhopper.com
- http://www.questionablecontent.net
- http://www.ellieconnelly.com
- http://www.octopuspie.com
- http://www.mylifeinacube.com
- http://blog.wpmorse.com
- http://hijinksensue.com
- http://cad-comic.com
- http://blog.krisstraub.com
- http://www.bobwhitecomics.com
- http://riphaywire.com
- http://www.erichobbsonline.com/awakenings
- http://www.pvponline.com
- http://www.evil-comic.com
- http://logjamcomic.blogspot.com Jeff Hawley’s Comic!
- http://www.girlgeniusonline.com
- http://lifeofronnie.com
- http://www.jeffschuetze.com
- DAR: A Super Girly Top Secret Comic Diary — http://darcomic.org
- Diesel Sweeties — dieselsweeties.com
- Girls With Slingshots — daniellecorsetto.com/gws.html
- Good Ship Chronicles — goodshipchronicles.com/
- Misery Loves Sherman — miserylovessherman.com/
- Penny Arcade — penny-arcade.com
- Pvp — pvponline.com
- Questionable Content — questionablecontent.net
- The System — notquitewrong.com/rosscottinc/
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (thanks RXR) — smbc-comics,com
- Sheldon — sheldoncomics.com
- Shortpacked! — shortpacked.com
- Starslip (previously Starslip Crisis) — starslip.com
- xkcd — xkcd.com
Jeff Hawley (neo-member!)
- I like receiving comics automatically via email, e.g., I get the weekly Tom the Dancing Bug, by Ruben Bolling, and receive daily comics from Comics.com.  Pretty cool site, that.  They will email you a daily bunch of comics of your choice.
Stanley Shaw (false-member)
- Man! You guys have TIME to read online comics? Hey, remember how in the Olden Tymes the sunday pages featured  huge pages of comixs? CLAW could do an online comic like that and charge for small ads. A nominal fee of course. Set up as an additional page to the website, static. Content could change weekly with set sizes to make said changes easy. Is that easy, or I could be wrong.Stan “He Who Has Not Joined” or ” Notonavus”By the way, I’m still a a fan of Stowe’s bio comic from a few weeks ago!
Adam Botsford (cadet)
- Hmm. The only daily cartoon I read is Mutts.
I’m more of an artblog follower myself.
May 30, 2009 @ 12:24 pm
These are three of my favorites:
This guy’s work is astonishing! I’m perpetually in awe of his painting techniques and the overall feel of the pieces.
May 30, 2009 @ 12:25 pm
Oh and Stowe…I’m totally in love with this one: Girls With Slingshots — daniellecorsetto.com/gws.html Great suggestion!!