Archive for web comics

Scholarship Winner 2011

Kayla Nicole Cline, Cartoonist of the Future!

2011 CLAW Scholarship winner Kayla Cline

Every year The CLAW selects one lucky “at risk youth” (at risk of being seriously awesome) and awards them the YOUNG CARTOONIST OF THE FUTURE Scholarship consisting of a over-sized novelty check for photographic purposes and a large sum of money. This year The CLAW was able to AWARD $908.24 dollars to Ms. Kayla Nicole Cline, an art student at Memphis College of Art in Memphis, Tennessee.

2011 CLAW Scholarship winner Kayla Cline

While Kayla tries to hide behind her novelty check, we want you to see some of her amazing work at illustration art on her webcomic Slag Valley

Learn more about the CLAW scholarship and see past winners here.

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First CLAW Zine of 2011 GUEST STRIPS Trailer

RR's Guest Strip cover art of Electric Elliot's BOB THE DOG (CLAW zine)


  • Mark Monlux’s Movie Comic Critic by Mark Brill
  • RR’s Tacomic/Learn 2 Draw in 3D! by Adam M. Botsford
  • Mark Monlux Movie Comic Critic by Mark Brill
  • Stowe’s SCATS by Debivans
  • TO’T’s Fail Whale by The JinxMedic
  • Stowe’s SCATS by Debivans
  • TO’T’s Bean Town by Mark Monlux
  • Electric Elliot’s Bob the Dog by RR Anderson
  • The JinxMedic’s O&J Crow Comic by Thorax O’Tool
  • Adam the Alien’s Adam the Alien Comic by Chris Tirri


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Sunday CLAW Comics coming to The DIY Hyper-Local Universal Press Synciate Alternative

Local Sunday Comics Coming to Feed Tacoma

See this wireframe diagram scrawled on a spiral bound cocktail napin? This drawing is going to change the world. And by world I mean Tacoma World and by drawing I mean the idea it represents: A FULL ON FEED TACOMA SUNDAY COMICS PAGE by your friendly neighborhood cartoonists. A line up of strips including but not limited to:

Why is this any different than other local collective comic sites like ALASKA ROBOTICS?  Because we are wedding LOCAL COMICS to a LOCAL NEWS/CLASSIFIED/BLOGGING site At long last there will be absolutely no reason to purchase a newspaper like the TNT.  What is more you’ll have a strong personal connection to every comic strip illustrator.  For example say you’re sitting in a favorite dining establishment. You look over and see one of us at another table eating a sixth avenue dog or something.  You can say “hey man I like your cartoon strip!” or “Hey I thought your last strip was a real stinker! Why don’t you draw something funny like you used to do”  We’ll say Yes! You’re right! and BLAMO! A personal connection has been formed.  Next week you can tell your lover “Look, I told him to be funny again and heck if he didn’t do it! HAR HAR HAR!”  You just can’t do that with national syndicated strips.  You think the creator of GARFIELD gives two halibut craps about your and your problems?  NO SKIPPY!

Not only will our strips collectively be awesome, but you’ll be able to buy the strips.  You’ll be able to interact with the cartoonist instantly through comments. You’ll be able to sponsor a strip through cartoon product placement AND OR banner advertising.  YOU’LL BE ABLE TO DRAW IN THE FRIGGIN COMMENT BOXES!!!!!!!  HOLY CRAP I JUST BLEW MY OWN MIND!!!!!

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