April 2017 Status Update

March 31st, 2017 by RR Anderson

2nd Annual Helmet Illumination Festival for Tacoma’s Downtown on the GO has come and the results are in–a record number of helmets were adorned with the sharpies of victory. Below are the Return On Investment or ROI…

Special thanks to all who participated and to Kings Books for use of their incredible bookstore! Cartoon Illuminated Helmets will be auctioned off to raise money for public transit awareness programs.

– on the 4th Wednesday at Kings Books will consist of a study of experimental assemblage comics. Text/Graphic Cells will be assembled from a secret deck to reveal important information about the future! Perhaps!

WAYZGOOSE STREET STEAMROLLER PRESS EVENT – fez wearing cartoonists are secretly selecting from two sketches their design for this year’s steamroller street 3×3 foot poster print!  One piece of information we can confirm, Design Theme for CLAW this year is “TACOMA HOTEL FIRE!!”

CLAW SCHOLARSHIP – Deadline is here and Art students have submitted their applications! Only one lucky art student will win!  STAY TUNED!

CLAW ANTHOLOGY MEETING – SCHEDULED for 7pm at Tinkertopia April 8th Bring your rough layout sketches or story ideas!

PAGE 2 MEMBER Blotter: Brent Rosenburgh has launched a YOUTUBE show chronicling his 3d printing exploits!    Jennevieve Schlemmer has been drawing incredible epic fantasy MAPS! Mark Monlux has launched a Kickstarter for his MONSTER CARD DECK!  HONORARY MEMBER Peter Bagge featured in latest edition of Tacoma Weekly! RR Anderson reminds fellow creatives of Adult Tinker Nites only at Tinkertopia 1st and 3rd Thursday nights check out this Trump Bird he made!

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