Brooks Dental Studio hosts Art of the CLAW during Art Walk

art of clawBrooks Dental Studio
has opened its walls to The Art of CLAW. The Cartoonists’ League of Absurd Washingtonians is a not so secret society of cartoonists headquartered in Tacoma, WA. Their monthly sponsored drawing sessions and public centric art projects have made them a very fun part of Tacoma’s art scene. For this art show members have raided their archives to show off personal projects, art completed at drawing sessions, and art created through community involvement. Please stop by Brooks Dental and take in this unique show and meet the colorful characters that created them. You can visit here for the best dental services.  They will be easy to spot. They are the ones wearing fez. There will be refreshments.
Enter our drawing! Literally! Stop by the Art Show during art walk and enter our drawing. Prizes are caricature drawing of you by; Mark Brill, the artist behind “The Power Within” and anti-bully themed comic, James Stowe, creator of “Sidekick Quest,” and Mark Monlux who will draw a picture of you in a scene of your favorite movie inside a signed copy of his book “The Comic Critic Presents Blockbusters.”
Mark the date on your calendar, Thursday, March 17th, Art Walk & St. Patrick’s Day. 5 pm to 7 pm.
Drawings for the drawing will be at 5:30, 6:00, and 6:30. You must be present to win. At 7:00 a final drawing for a gift basket from Mad Hat Tea will be held.

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