2019 Scholarship Winner + 2020 Submissions Open!
Hey students, do you like money?
Well we’ve got good news for you: our 2020 Scholarship is open for applications!
Click here to view the rules and download the application form
If you are a student located in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho) pursuing a focus in sequential art, animation, illustration, or related/adjacent majors, then you qualify!
Applicants must provide proof of enrollment (see out Scholarship page for a complete list of details). We accept applications from students attending reputable certificate programs, such as nonprofits like the IPRC in Portland OR, in addition to traditional BA and graduate programs.
All applications must be turned in by September 30th, 2020 to be considered, no exceptions!
And let’s give a big round of applause for our 2019 winner, Tara Stephens!
Best of luck in your studies Tara!

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