Robot Calendar - February
This month’s Open Swim is going to be filled with Tips and Tricks from the drawing masters. Those of you with laptops with Adobe Photoshop installed are highly advised to bring them. There will be traditional advice as well. So brush your teeth and comb your hair, a little hygiene never hurt anyone. And come to the CLAW’s first EduCLAWtional Open Swim. And don’t forget to bring your own drawing tools!
Oh! The CLAW has decided to stir things up and try a new venue for this event. Come and join us at…
Amocat Café
625 St. Helens Ave, Tacoma, WA
WEDNESDAY, August 25th @ 7:30
Disclaimer: The CLAW Open Swim is an adult oriented meeting. Language, art, and varied other bad influences will be uncensored PG13 – R – X.