How to Make a No-Staple Mini Comic or Zine
Whether left in a stack in your favorite coffee shop or ‘stuffed’ into a library book, these little comic books (or zines) can be super fun. The No-Staple, method is nice because all you need to do is print, cut and fold. Avoiding to use a stapler saves lots of time, especially if you’re churning out a crap load of these little suckers!
The Method
In the schematic below, please note location and orientation of FRONT COVER (F), BACK COVER (B), and PAGES 1 – 6. You’ll need to shrink and orient your pages in photoshop. It works best if you have a laser printer. You can just print out one (1) copy and then duplicate the rest in photocopier if you don’t want to waste your own toner.
Assembly Instructions:
Cut along the dotted line between the two marks “X” (pictured above) . Now Fold the paper the long way (fig A). Next fold the pages taking care to pop out the middle (fig B).
And that’s all there is to it!  If you want to get tricky with it you can print a MINI-POSTER on the REVERSE BLANK SIDE of the paper, giving people the option to unfold the comic and hang up after reading. Excelsior!