Mark Monlux’s “Ask Mark” column is now on YouTube

For some years now the Ask Mark column has been a feature of the Graphic Artists Guild website, various Guild Chapters’ eNewsletters, and other blogs and publications. Now you can start seeing them on YouTube. Check out the ancient camera, bad lighting and poor editing skills of Mark Monlux as he provides advice that is truly useful for the creative professional.

Don’t forget about tomorrow’s Open Swim at the Amocat Café in Tacoma at 7:30 p.m..

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Secret Meeting Notes July 2010

Secret Meeting July

Meeting is called to order. SECRET CLAW OPENING RITUAL: What are Robots? Robots are Cool. Zombies Must Die! Shoot ’em in the head. [One CLAP] Ceci nes pas une pipe. [Rotate Self 3 Times]

Old Business

  1. CLAW vs. the World Bowling Challenge . . . ?
  2. Non Profit Status? Mark Monlux is much to busy to do the paperwork.

New Business

  1. Adopt Amocat as new Open Swim meeting space – RR tasked with talking our way in there.
  2. CLAW online store – So far only RR has posted anything
  3. STAN SHAW REPORT – motion to taunt professional Tacoma cartoonist Stan Shaw PASSED.
  4. Beautiful Angle Local Currency project – limbo. Motion to pester Lance exponentially in September PASSED.
  5. Tacoma Art Museum – members committed to July 31st CLAW team-up with Frost Park Community Chalk Militia to bring chalk art to dead concrete of TAM. Passed.
  6. Comics Page – Members discussed picking a day to post their comic strip. New members are still thinking of new strip ideas.
  7. Agreed to appear on PODCAST: Northwest Convergence Zone – Sunday July 25th at about 5PM?
  8. JUNIOR CLAW CADET NO. 12 to be voted in soon! Check out Shawn Clayton

Show and Tell

  • Mark Brill has a new gay-furrydom time travel comic out. UNBELIEVABLE + ASTONISHING!
  • Stowe gave a preview of his latest SCATS web comic
  • VEX zine is interested in a CLAW collaboration… RR brought in his VEX zine collection.  CLAW’S MESSAGE TO VEX: Show us the money! Minimum donation to CLAW Scholarship fund is $150.

Mark Monlux Side The Jinxmedic Side

SECRET CLAW CLOSING RITUAL: What are Robots? Robots are cool. Zombies must die! Shoot ’em in the head! [1 CLAP] Beware the flying monkeys.

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