No. 008 L.S. Erhardt
L.S. Erhardt
About me:
I am a writer/artist/student currently living in Tacoma, WA. I make a lot of creative stuff, but honestly I don’t really have the desire to curate any kind of online presence. The whole experience is just anxiety-inducing for me: Will this get likes? How do I even pay for a website? Do I need to update this thing constantly? Do I have to get back on facebook? How much time does this take anyway? See what I mean? It’s already more than enough work to maintain my real-life life, much less add a digital one to upkeep. I just don’t know how you all manage that.
Social Media: none, currently. I don’t tweet/snap/insta/pin/book anything. I do have an ello account that I still have no idea what to do with.
Portfolio: I have several flash drives full. I should probably do something with them.
Current projects: I am currently teaching myself acrylic painting and am writing a novel. Let’s hope I can manage to finish writing this one.
Contact: You can email me through the “contact us” link up above. One of these days I’ll get a website going. Eventually.
Below: here’s a small sample of my various works. I’ll add more over time.