THUNDERBOLTS rattle across the land… welling up from the deep, primordial ooze on the floor of Commencement Bay rises for the Hand of Carr, the Founder of all that is the 253. Sweat from His Mighty Glistening Brow filled the low lands of the County, thus giving rise to Wapato, Tapps and Gravelly. His muscle raised the earth above the sea, giving Point Defiance her perch.
Mythology is a wonderful thing. Stories as old as our wondering are. It’s easy to imagine yourself sitting around the fire beneath a black sky impregnated with stars, listening to these stories of love, triumph, creation and destruction.
This month at CLAW’s Open Swim, we invite you to come down to Amocat Cafe with us and draw. Gey your pencils, paper and imagination revved up as we delve into the mythological origins of Tacoma, it’s people or anything within the 253. There will be prizes for the Tacoma-related mythological drawing that is the most awe-inspiring. Drinks and snacks will be provided by Amocat, be sure to drink a gallon or two of coffee.
When: Wednesday February 23rd 2011, 7:30 PM
Where: Amocat Cafe in downtown Tacoma