Wayzgoose Poster Printing

April 19th, 2011 by MarkMonlux

Check out the printing process of this year’s CLAW poster.


  1. David Johnson said,

    April 19, 2011 @ 7:46 am

    Nice video! where can I buy one of your prints?

  2. Mark Monlux said,

    April 19, 2011 @ 7:59 am

    Only six prints were created. One of which is being raffled off with the prints made by the other various. I think you can still purchase raffle tickets through King’s Bookstore in Tacoma. Another print is going to go into the old Woolworth Store window in downtown Tacoma for the next few months to be on display. In years past those prints were auctioned off. The remaining four have belong to the CLAW members participating. Since several folks have shown an interest perhaps our group should consider having one of the originals be reproduced. Or perhaps we should action them on behalf of our student scholarship fund. Your thoughts?

  3. David Johnson said,

    April 20, 2011 @ 5:19 am

    I’ll check out King’s and see if there are any raffle tickets left, how much more interest would be required for an original to be reproduced?