Third Thursday: Colorful Creatures at TAM


Join CLAW and Tacoma Art Museum for our annual chalk contest!

June 20th 5-8 PM – Admission is free as part of Third Thursday

RSVP on Facebook

TAM has partnered with the Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians again to bring you a summer evening of chalking! Get inspired by the exhibition “Beyond Books: The Independent Art of Eric Carle” and chalk a colorful creature during Third Thursday.

We will take photos of all the creations and upload them to Facebook and Instagram for the world to see!

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Tacoma Art Museum’s Iron Artist Chalk-Off!

Hit Me With Your Best Chalk!

 Join us this Saturday at Tollefson Plaza as CLAW artists take up the challenge!
Chalking will be going on from 3-7 PM, hosted by the Tacoma Art Museum (with admission and activities free all day). Cast your vote on TAM’s Facebook for your favorite entries, or challenge a friend to a 15-minute Quick-Draw Chalk-Off!

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CLAW Report August

Submitted to CNW Penstuff newsletter by Mark Monlux: Submitted 08/07/11

Stowe's Bigfoot

The Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians formed in October of 2008. That previous summer Frost Park (named after slain police officer Frost) was saved from having a fence placed around it when RR Anderson issued a challenge to one and all that an hour contest draw on the sidewalk with chalk to see who was the greatest illustrator in the universe would be held at Frost Park. The Frost Park Chalk off quickly became a Friday tradition. But as October drew near, so did the merciless rains, which would make chalking impossible. Four magnificent souls from the contests had a lunch to discuss what could be done to keep the fun going over winter. Thus it was that the brainchild of the CLAW was born over Sushi and chalk.

The Tacoma Art Museum, recognizing an organization that was actively fun and terrific PR, asked the CLAW to become involved in some of it’s events. So it was on August 6th that the CLAW participated, for the third year running, along with many of the Frost Park Chalkies, in a chalk art competition at Tollefson Plaza, across the street from the art museum. The theme of the competition was “Identity”. The public via the TAM Facebook page will submit votes to determine the winner.



The CLAW holds a publically accessible Open Swim meeting the third Thursday of each month at the Amocat Café. July had the Dockyard Derby Dames volunteering for an evening modeling session. The theme for Augusts’ meeting will be Win-Loose-or CLAW, a team drawing completion involving everyone who attends. Member-only meetings are the first Wednesday of the month and are held secretly at Comic Book Ink. If you would like to become a member of the CLAW applications can be found at the website under “About Us”. Potentials are voted in by all the membership based on their cartooning skill. You can find us, and see members work at our Facebook page and Flicker groups.

Mike's in progress


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