Monlux’s Completed Tacoma Artists Initiative Program Project

The City of Tacoma believes in the arts. Through the Tacoma Artists Initiative Program they encourage artists to conceive and complete new artistic works that improves artists’ talents and enrich the city. If you’re an artist who lives in Tacoma you should check out the program and download an application at their website. 

I presented to the Tacoma Arts Commission a fairly interesting project proposal. I’d been involved in doing the art for a few Whiteboard videos. To improve my skill set I wanted to show that I could do a Whiteboard video from concept to completion with the only outside work being done for narration and music. I also wanted to make the video a public service announcement to artists about copyright. I’ve been an advocate for copyright for several years and teach the topic regularly. Since a public service announcement average length is 30 to 60 seconds I decided to do two videos. Each video would focus on just a few key bits of information that would help any creative to significantly understand copyright better. As part of the project I would post the progressive stages of the project online.

Several artists submit proposals to the Tacoma Arts Commission. I was extremely pleased when my proposal was accepted.

My first step was to then write the script for the two public service announcements. To make absolutely sure my message on point I my friend, Daniel Abraham, attorney at law, review my scripts. I want to thank him for his insight, which sharpened the message.

There was quite a bit of delay between the writing of the script and the drafting of the storyboard. Thankfully the Tacoma Arts Commission provides a two-year period of time for artists to complete their project. They understand that obstacles arise and the project sometimes is required to be placed on the back burner. For me the factors were an increased workload and a change of plan regarding tools and techniques to complete the project. Whenever a change of circumstance occurs, even a little, considering your options, and plotting a new course to your goal takes time. In this case the issues required resolution before the storyboards could be completed.

Back on track it didn’t take long to take the storyboard and create the final video. I want to thank Adam J. Manley for his narration, and Joe Izenman for his composition and performance of the music. With their talents, and Tacoma Artists Initiative Program’s support, I present to you my complete whiteboard video public service announcements about copyright:

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Tacomic Book Update

Being several months since the Tacoma Arts Commission formally announced their funding of my first TACOMIC BOOK, a collection of 100 of my editorial cartoon greatest hits, I thought I would check with this progress report:

Tolkien-Style Map of Tacoma for Tacomic Book

Any serious fantasy book needs a Tolkien-style map lurking somewhere round the table of contents. Click to enlarge the rough draft sketch of my Tacoma map (above).

Other items my book will include:

  1. Table of Contents – COMPLETE
  3. Map – IN PROGRESS
  4. Intentionally left blank pages – COMPLETE
  5. “Fun Facts” – NOT STARTED
  6. 100 of the best TACOMICS from 2007 – 2009 – NOT STARTED
  7. 1 page dedicated to the WORST TACOMICS – NOT STARTED
  8. Sampling of the best TACOMIC COMMENTS – NOT STARTED
  9. A behind the scene cartoonist statements – IN PROGRESS
  10. SPELLING + GRAMMAR corrections by Todd Mathews – IN PROGRESS
  11. Tide Tables + Venn Diagrams
  12. A complete set of Tacoma Action Figures – COMPLETE
  13. TBA, etc.

MEANWHILE, please enjoy the TACOMIC™ Political Cartoons every Tuesday Morning! Did you know you can get instant TACOMIC CARTOON updates via TWITTER?

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