Stowe, Monlux and Brill mid embrace PHOTO COURTESY OF NEWS TRIBUNE

Stowe, Monlux and Brill mid embrace PHOTO COURTESY OF NEWS TRIBUNE

Wednesday 22nd at 7:30 PM at Kings Books at a round table surrounded by FEZ wearing cartoonists of the elite and secret Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians (the C.L.A.W.) YOU can sit and DRAW WITH THE CLAW!  NO GAMES! NO TRICKS! Just fingers-to-paper full concentration drawing of cartoons… and when we’re done, we will do a college class style round table critique/show&tell.  Hang out and Draw. That’s it. Maybe scratch the Kings Books cat on the head too. Bring a sketch book or something you’re working on too if you want us to give you feedback on that as well.  We are professionals! Our opinion is worth something… maybe.  Anyway it’s fun. We are absurd cartoonists, it’s in our name.

CLAW-tron by James Stowe

CLAW-tron by James Stowe

Wednesday 22nd – 7:30 PM
Kings Books
218 St Helens Ave Tacoma, WA 98402


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